Bookseller Catalogs

LIST 317: SALMON FISHING, Books, Pamphlets, Maps, Manuscripts, Photographs

By L & T Respess Books

LIST 317: SALMON FISHING, Books, Pamphlets, Maps, Manuscripts, Photographs 102 books, pamphlets, manuscripts, maps, and photographs about salmon fishing in the United States, Canada and elsewhere, ranging from travel brochures to Sage’s Ristigouche.

How to request a print version: Some printed copies are available. Requests may be made by email,, or by telephone, (413) 727-3435.

Spring 2019 List

Spring 2019 List 16th-17th-century Continental Books & Manuscripts, including a 1st-century relevant Coin

How to request a print version: Print out the Catalog URL below

213: RICHARD WEISS LIBRARY: M - part 2 [Science, Astronomy, Natural History, Physics, Mars, Geology,

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

213: RICHARD WEISS LIBRARY: M - part 2 [Science, Astronomy, Natural History, Physics, Mars, Geology, Topics include: Astronomy, Atomic Structure, Biography, Chemistry, Chronology, Electric Waves, Electromagnetism, Geology, Hydrodynamics, Inventions, Lexicography, Longitude, Mathematics, Meteorology, Mineralogy, Natural Philosophy, Optics, Physical Geography, Pharmacy, Physics, Relativity, Seismology etc. -- 23 books are listed, authored by: Academie Royale des Sciences (France), Paris; Andrea Corsini, Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza (Italy), John MARTYN, Aldo MASULLO [Guiseppe CANTILLO], Joannes MEURSIUS, Pierre MIQUEL, Ormsby McKnight MITCHEL, Antonio MIZAULDO, François-Napoléon-Marie MOIGNO, Jacob der Kreislauf MOLESCHOTT, MOLIERE, Gaspard MONGE, Henry MORE, Conwy Lloyd MORGAN, Arthur Jules MORIN, Margaretta Hare MORRIS, Paul MOUY, Joseph MOXON, Johann Heinrich Jacob MULLER, Marshall Evans MUNROE, Johan Anders MURRAY, James Sheridan MUSPRATT, Petrus van MUSSCHENBROEK, and Claude POUILLET.

How to request a print version: Please write to:


By Jeff Weber Rare Books

212: RICHARD WEISS LIBRARY: M [Sciences] 30 books: Hector Munro Macdonald, Ernst Mach, Gideon Mantell, Henri Marais, Hippolyte Marie-Davy, Jean-Charles Galissard de Marignac, George Perkins Marsh, Benjamin Martin, Matthew Maury, Lucy-Ann McFadden, Lise Meitner, Andrew N. Meldrum, Charles Meray, Stanislas-Etienne Meunier, John Michell, George Abram Miller, Norman Miller, Robert Andrews Millikan, John Milne, Louis Melville Milne-Thomson. Subjects: Astronomy, Atomic Structure, Biography, Chemistry, Chronology, Electric Waves, Electromagnetism, Geology, Hydrodynamics, Inventions, Lexicography, Longitude, Mathematics, Meteorology, Mineralogy, Natural Philosophy, Optics, Physical Geography, Pharmacy, Physics, Relativity, Seismology etc.

How to request a print version: Please inquire.

E-List #7: New Arrivals

By Main Street Fine Books & Manuscripts, Ltd.

E-List #7: New Arrivals Highlights include first editions of Remarque ("All Quiet on the Western Front"), Steinbeck ("The Wayward Bus"), Twain ("A Double Barrelled Detective," featuring Sherlock Holmes in the American West), and Jack Dempsey's autobiography, signed.

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